Diversity and Migration FORTHEM Lab organizes a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Migrants and the Cities. The Summer School will be held in Palermo on June 10 – 14, 2024. It comprises of:

• Case studies illustrating the challenges and opportunities of migrant communities in different cities of the world.

• Applied laboratories involving participants in the design of innovative solutions for promote integration and improve the quality of life of migrant communities.
The summer school will cover the following issues:
• Diversity as intersectional identities in the cities
• Migrant narratives, intercultural communication and urban space Topic 3: How migrants perceive cities and urban space?
• Migrants and bottom-up generative urban policies Topic 5: Multicultural urban spaces and right to • Visibility vs. invisibility in urban space
• Diversity, stigma and exclusion
• Migrants and legal rights in urban spaces
In order to apply, please send your CV and a covering letter to the event coordinator at the UO, dr. Michał Wanke: michal.wanke@uni.opole.pl by Tuesday, April 23, 23.59pm. Students of English Philology, English in Public Communication, Sociology and Design and Social Communication are eligible to apply. UO will nominate 6 students based on the content of your CV and your motivation. The mobility grant amounts at CA 550 EUR to cover travel and stay expenses.